Tuesday, May 25, 2010

slow blooming rose. I take my time in everything I do. people usually get annoyed by it. :) that's okay, I think I'll still keep it that way. framing a life isn't something that happens in a day, and I've made my fair share of mistakes, so forgive my cautious nature - I've had to rebuild on more than one occasion. once, my roommate made a comment about her singleness, the whole "what's wrong with me spiel", and she said "you know, it's not like I've majorly screwed up my life" :) that made me laugh - and cry at the same time, because I have. big major huge mistakes. and I know it takes someone who's experienced grace in the very intimate and real ways that I have to understand the me before I was, well, myself. :) and though I find that many people are experienced in doctrine and sympathies, few are experienced in the kind of reckless, bold and offensive grace that I've been given. and that's okay too, though I would like that to change. not so I'd be understood, but because everyone should see the aftermath of their own collision with raw grace. I think that'd be cool. way more than cool - I think that'd be revival... :)

grace has taken it's time with me. it's own devastatingly sweet time. unfolding all of my mistakes and mending them and making them into something lovely. and whenever I feel life is passing me by because I don't have a cookie-cutter story, because I'm so slow at everything and I'm just hoping that I haven't missed the boat with all my detours, I remember it's not about catching a sleek steamer that's gonna whisk me away to wonderful, but about trusting that the grace that began a good work in me is faithful to complete it. and I'd rather be the turtle than the hare.

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